What an amazing week our school community had during Catholic Schools Week 2025!
Our week kicked off with our Annual Open House Breakfast, students read and participated in Mass services across our Parish Family and then many joined together for fellowship in our cafeteria and assisted with tours of our school for new families! Throughout the week, students and families also spent time shopping our Scholastic Book Fair.
“From the opening ceremonies with the Mt. St. Mary’s Marching Band, to the Closing Mass where we were all reminded that all seeds start small and with nurturing and care they grow to be just as God had intended…I would not change one thing. Our staff and students had a great time, they grew closer to classmates at all different grade levels, they learned about team work, they studied and lived out the corporal works of mercy, and the strongest message of all was that of our union, as a Catholic School, and our ability to share and shout about our faith and our love of the Lord from the rooftops.” wrote Mrs. Maureen Ingham, SPS Principal.
We truly had a week filled with Faith and Fellowship, where we dove deeper into our theme for the year of Kindness. Students were assigned to one of four teams, with each team focusing on a specific Corporal Work of Mercy – giving food and drink to those in need, sheltering the homeless, donating to those less fortunate, caring for the sick. Each day of the week saw students bringing in donations toward their Corporal Work of Mercy and our SPS community is abundantly generous in our hearts and donations, as our boxes were stuffed by the end of the week!
Teams learned lots about local and state history, then participated in the Trivia Bowl on Monday afternoon to close out our first day. Congratulations to the Blue team for their win! On Tuesday we focused on Vocations Day, where students dressed as what they hope to be in their future careers. We had lots of wonderful volunteers in the building telling us about their careers and jobs throughout the morning. Wednesday teams were assigned a specific decade for participating in the Decades Day, which was also the day of our school wide Talent Show. And what amazingly talented students we have here at SPS! Next, we rolled into Thursday with our team colors and Olympic Day. So much fun was had with teams participating in various “Olympic” style games and the Yellow team walked away with the Gold! Friday closed out our week as we Dressed to Impress for our Special Person’s Mass and invited our “Special People” to join us in Mass and for a small reception in the cafeteria following Mass. In the afternoon, we switched gears and had a rousing time at our Final Pep Rally and Annual 8th grade vs. Faculty volleyball game! The 8th graders held on to their championship reign for the second year in a row! A special shout out to the Green team for their overall win of this year’s Spirit Cup Award!!