Physical Education / Athletic Director

I want to give the students an outlet to relax and have fun while learning in Phys Ed, so that their learning in the classroom can be as productive as possible. The purpose of physical education is to teach the whole student, not just their body and movement. Physical education provides the opportunity to teach students about movement, strategies, how to be a good teammate, problem solving and health related fitness. Exposing students to various physical activities, sports, and methods of fitness can help foster kids’ enjoyment of physical activity, as well as build social, psycho-motor, and cognitive skills. I strive to safely provide the means for students to enjoy physical activity, making it a part of their everyday lives as kids, and future adults.

We talk about goal setting, and I encourage them to have a purpose for their exercise. I try to challenge the students in ways that will help them observe their improvement throughout the year, and also from one year to the next. The use of various assessments that measure the student’s progress and improvement will provide tangible evidence of student growth throughout their years at St Peter’s. Above all, my major focus is to make physical education class enjoyable.


Masters: Canisius College-Literacy

Undergrad: SUNY Oswego-Childhood Education, Minor in Coaching