Thank you to all the members of our community for your hard work, support, volunteerism, and contributions! St. Peter RC School is successful because of you and your dedication to our school.

After close to fifty years in my chosen field of education, the level of excitement that surrounds the opening of a new school year never diminishes…and this year is no exception.

I cannot wait for the doors to open and to regroup with our students and their families and get this 2024-2025 school year off and running. We have worked very hard this summer to make the school, the programs, the curriculum and the focus on Christ be the very best it can be for our children each and every day.

Our theme is “KINDNESS…for you and for me,” and we will host our opening assembly with a reminder of the many times Jesus spoke about kindness in the Bible. We celebrate Mass as a school community every Friday morning at 9 am and all are invited to attend as we listen and share the message Jesus has for us.

We have adopted a new Language Arts…Reading program for Grades K-5 and our teachers have received training so they are all set to begin this exciting journey with their classes.

Our middle school staff is a team that is ready to meet the needs of our upperclassmen, and to not only teach them “In” the classroom, but show them their roles as members of a bigger community. They will engage in community service projects, work with others and show kindness …the St. Peter variety… wherever they go.

Lockers and many rooms have been painted, new windows have been installed, floors and classrooms are polished and cleaned and we are READY TO GO!

God told St. Peter…you are rock and upon this rock I will build my Church. Our goal is to follow in that tradition and build strong, honest, reliable, competent, kind and Christian young men and women, on this foundation, that we call St. Peter School. That is the charge that God has given us… and that is the job we will do! God bless St. Peter School…God bless us all!

Our Principal:
Maureen Ingham
Education background:
– Buffalo State University: B.A. Childhood Education and Special Education
– Buffalo State University: M.S. Ed., Childhood Education and Special Education
– Niagara University: M.S. Ed., Administration and Supervision

Teaching/Administration experience:
– Niagara Falls City School District – 34 years
– St Peter RC School