Our Before and After School Program will be available for all students Monday through Friday and all full days school is in session.

If you will need this program for your child(ren), please complete the attached registration paperwork and return it to the school before the first day of school.

We highly recommend that you complete the paperwork now and return it to school where it can be kept on file so that children may be sent to Latchkey in the event of unforeseen delays in your pick-up routine. Children will NOT be eligible to participate in either session of this program if registration paperwork has not been filed in the school office.

When you arrive at school for either morning drop-off or afternoon pick-up, please call the Latchkey phone at 716-359-7166 and staff will meet you at the door. You must accompany your child(ren) to the door for drop-off and pick-up.

Fees for this program will be billed monthly.

Latchkey Registration Form

Before and After School Program

AM Hours: 7:00 AM until 8:25 AM
Drop off students at door #3 on North 6th Street near the parking lot.
Flat fee: $5.00 per student per morning.
Dry cereal/granola bars will be available

PM Hours: 3:15 PM until 6:00 PM
Pick ups will be at door #3 on North 6th Street near the parking lot
Fee: $4.00 per child per half hour
Pick ups after 6:00 PM will be a charge of $1.00 per minute per child
Snacks will be available at 4:00 PM