Bus Drop Off/Pick Up

School district buses will drop off and pick up students at School Door # 1 (the main school entrance near the flagpole facing North 6th Street).

If you are interested in receiving bus transportation for your child, please contact your home school district. The districts that provide bus transportation to St Peter’s students are Lewiston-Porter, Wilson, and Niagara Wheatfield.

Student Bus Transportation Forms below must be filled out and returned to school NO LATER than April 1, 2025 for the upcoming school year 2025-2026.

Bus Information & Contact Numbers:

Lewiston Porter: Ridge Road Bus Co (716) 219-1711

Lewiston Porter Transportation Request

Niagara Wheatfield: (716) 215-3300

Niagara Wheatfield Transportation Request

Wilson: (716) 751-9341 x 121

Wilson Transportation Request

Grand Island: (716) 773-8992

Grand Island Transportation Request



Private Vehicle Drop Off/Pick Up

Vehicle drop off for the school day begins at 8:25 a.m. Vehicles enter the school parking lot from Onondaga Street (near the playground) and follow the queue along the drop off loop. Staff will meet students at the top of the loop and escort them into the building.

Staff is available to assist children entering at the loop from 8:25 – 8:40 a.m. only each morning. If you arrive after 8:40 a.m., please park your vehicle and walk your child(ren) to School Door # 1 for entry. Students will be considered tardy if they arrive after 8:40 a.m.

When picking up your child(ren) please follow the same directions for forming the car line that are used for drop-off. Staff will call students to the door in the order that vehicles arrive.

Students not picked up by 3:15 p.m. will be escorted to the Latchkey Program and may then be picked up at School Door # 3. Charges may be assessed based on actual pick up time.

*As noted in the Parent-Student handbook, if your pick-up plans for your child(ren) change during the day, please call the office as soon as possible. It is often difficult to get your messages to the classroom and the dismissal teacher, siblings, bus drivers, etc. when you call close to dismissal. Our goal each day is to make all students arrive home safely.